Impacted Wisdom Tooth Care in Daytona Beach, FL

A wisdom tooth pain occurs when your wisdom teeth come out at a weird angle, creating pressure on your nearby teeth. If this happens, it gets very tough to clean the wisdom tooth, which can cause plaque and bacteria build-up, which ultimately leads to decay. In such cases, you should visit our office in Daytona Beach, FL dentist office immediately. Generally, extraction is the only way to get rid of the issues associated with a wisdom tooth. Let your dentist at Daytona Elite Dental know about your wisdom teeth even if it is not creating any issues. They will examine it thoroughly and let you know if it can create any potential problems in the future.

An impacted wisdom tooth causing pain

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Causes of wisdom tooth pain

  1. In most cases, when your wisdom tooth is coming out (growing), your gums will swell, there will be soreness in the area along with pain.
  2. If your wisdom tooth comes out at a weird angle, it can press the neighboring teeth, which might cause pain.
  3. Since wisdom teeth grow at the back of your mouth, cleaning can be a challenging task. If all the debris and plaque are not removed correctly, that can cause cavities.
  4. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause pain when chewing, difficulties opening your mouth, and your jaws may become sore.
  5. If the site of your wisdom tooth is not cleaned properly, it can lead to inflammation around the tooth.

Finding a dentist near me

If you experience wisdom tooth pain living in Daytona Beach, FL, area, contact us at Daytona Elite Dental.