Fixed Dental Bridges in Daytona Beach, FL

Bridge The Gaps in Your Smile at Daytona Elite Dental

Losing a tooth can be a daunting experience, impacting not only your oral health but your self-esteem as well. Dental bridges offer hope by bridging the gap caused by missing teeth. These restorative devices can seamlessly fill the void left by a missing tooth or multiple teeth, restoring your smile and confidence. At Daytona Elite Dental, our experienced dentist in Daytona, Dr. Claudia Green, offers dental bridges for patients missing any number of teeth. 

Explore our restorative dental solutions in Dr. Green’s guide to dental bridges.

Fixed Bridge Supported On Implants in Daytona Beach

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What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges, or fixed partial dentures, are custom prosthetics that replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth, known as pontics, anchored in place by dental crowns attached to the adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. This arrangement ensures stability and durability, enabling you to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

Types of Dental Bridges

  • Traditional Dental Bridges: A traditional dental bridge involves creating dental crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap and placing a pontic in between. This classic approach effectively replaces a single missing tooth or a small span of teeth.
  • Cantilever Dental Bridges: Cantilever bridges are employed when there’s only one natural tooth adjacent to the gap. The pontic is supported by the single adjacent tooth, providing a solution for situations where a traditional bridge isn’t feasible.
  • Maryland Dental Bridges: Also known as resin-bonded bridges, Maryland bridges utilize a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the backs of adjacent teeth. This type is commonly used for front teeth replacement and requires minimal alteration of the adjacent teeth.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: Implant-supported bridges are a remarkable advancement in restorative dentistry. Dental implants are inserted into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for the bridge. This type offers exceptional stability and longevity.

The Dental Bridge Procedure

Initial Consultation

Dr. Green will begin the bridge process by assessing your oral health. She’ll address any oral health problems at this time before discussing your options and recommending the most suitable type of bridge. Some treatments patients may need before receiving their dental bridge include: 


For traditional and cantilever bridges, Dr. Green will prepare the adjacent supporting teeth by removing a portion of their enamel to accommodate the crowns. Impressions of your teeth will help create a precise custom bridge. While your permanent bridge is in production, you’ll be fitted with a temporary bridge to protect your exposed teeth and gums.

Fitting the Bridge

Once your permanent bridge is ready, your Daytona Beach dentist will ensure proper fit and alignment before permanently cementing it in place. Dr. Green will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable bite and natural appearance.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

At Daytona Elite Dental, Dr. Green and her team recommend custom dental bridges for patients looking to achieve the following:

  • Restored Aesthetics: Dental bridges mimic the appearance of natural teeth, enhancing your smile’s aesthetics.
  • Improved Functionality: Bridges allow you to chew, speak, and bite properly, which can be challenging with missing teeth.
  • Prevention of Dental Issues: Gaps left by missing teeth can lead to oral health problems, such as shifting teeth and gum disease. Bridges prevent these issues.
  • Boosts Confidence: A radiant smile significantly impacts your self-esteem and social life.
a woman loves her smile thanks to dental bridges

Caring for Your Dental Bridge

Maintaining your dental bridge is essential for its longevity and your oral health. Follow these tips for optimal oral hygiene:

  • Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup on your natural teeth and bridge.
  • Healthy Diet: Avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that could damage the bridge.
  • Regular Checkups: Visit your Daytona Beach dentist for routine checkups and professional cleanings to ensure the bridge’s integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental bridges are suitable for most individuals with missing teeth, but a thorough examination by a dentist is essential to determine eligibility. You and your dentist may find other replacement options, such as dental implants or inlays and onlays.

The procedure isn’t painful, as it’s often performed while the patient is under local anesthesia. You may experience discomfort or sensitivity during recovery, but you can manage this using over-the-counter pain medication.

With proper care, dental bridges can last five to 15 years or more. Your dentist can provide aftercare recommendations to help extend the lifespan of your restoration. You should also continue to visit your dentist for routine checkups to allow the dentist to make adjustments to the bridge as it wears over time.

Modern dental bridges blend seamlessly with natural teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable. Dentists can customize your bridges to match the color, shape, and size of your teeth.

Find The Best Tooth Restoration at Daytona Elite Dental

Dental bridges are more than just prosthetics — they’re gateways to confidence, comfort, and a restored smile. By bridging the gap between missing teeth, these restorations offer a chance to regain the quality of life you deserve. Whether you’re missing one tooth or several, dental bridges can be tailored to meet your unique needs

Contact us at (386) 846-5755 to explore how dental bridges can bring back your smile and help you embrace life to the fullest. Dr. Green and her Daytona Beach dental team proudly serve surrounding communities, such as Holly Hill, Port Orange, and Ormond Beach, FL.