Tooth Bonding in Daytona Beach, FL

Teeth bonding is a procedure in which a durable plastic material is applied and hardened with a specific light that bonds the tooth-colored resin to the tooth to restore or improve a person’s smile. Daytona Elite Dental offers high-quality teeth bonding in Daytona Beach at affordable prices. We have experienced dentist and state-of-the-art technologies that would make the procedure seamless for you.

Teeth Bonding in Daytona Beach

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Why is teeth bonding done?

  • Teeth bonding is an option considered to improve the appearance of discolored teeth.
  • To repair decayed teeth.
  • To repair cracked or chipped teeth.
  • To close spaces between teeth.
  • To make teeth look longer.
  • Teeth bonding is considered to change the shape of the teeth.
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings.
  • To protect a portion of the teeth that have been exposed due to gum recession.

Advantages of teeth bonding

  1. Teeth bonding is among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dental procedures.
  2. Bonding is done in an office visit, unlike veneers and crowns, which are customized teeth that must be manufactured in a lab.
  3. With teeth bonding, the least amount of enamel is removed.
  4. Anesthesia is usually not required unless the process is done to fill a cavity.
  5. With teeth bonding, there are no side effects.

Getting tooth bonding in Daytona Beach, FL

Call your dentist immediately, or visit an experienced dentist near you at Daytona Elite Dental if you notice any sharp edges on a bonded tooth or if your tooth feels odd when biting down. You can call us to book an appointment.

Contact us at Daytona Elite Dental if you want to know more about the treatment. We are conveniently located in the heart of Daytona Beach, FL. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram