Broken, Cracked, or Chipped Tooth Care in Daytona Beach, FL

Teeth generally get chipped when it is weakened due to decay or minor incidents. A cracked tooth is an incomplete structure that originates from the chewing surface towards your tooth’s root. Broken teeth can range from a chip in the hard enamel exterior to complete breakage. These are serious dental conditions and can lead to severe issues if you do not address them correctly. Daytona Elite Dental offers emergency and effective treatments for those suffering from these conditions. If you have any of these issues, contact us today.

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How do teeth get chipped, broken, or cracked?

Teeth can get chipped in surprising and unexpected ways, there are various ways that a chipped tooth can occur. Innocent activities like shivering, munching on hard candy, or an overly enthusiastic greeting from your pet can crack or chip one of your pearly whites. Your teeth can get chipped if you receive a strong blow on your face or in case your teeth get weak due to decay.

Types of treatment for a cracked or a chipped tooth

  1. Reshaping– if the chip is tiny, the issue is corrected by reshaping the tooth, smoothening, and polishing the affected area.
  2. Bonding– bonding fills the crack with composite resin, a material that can be tailored to match the color of the individuals’ teeth.
  3. Veneers – a small portion of the tooth is smoothened away.
  4. Crown/cap– this is recommended when you have a broken tooth.
  5. Extraction and implants– if your chip or crack is beyond repair, your tooth will be extracted, and a dental implant will replace the cracked tooth.
  6. Root canal— recommended if the damage has reached the pulp of your tooth
  7. Tooth splint– the damaged tooth is bonded to an adjacent healthy tooth allowing the surrounding bone and gum to heal.

Getting an emergency dentist in Daytona Beach, FL

To treat damaged, cracked, or chipped teeth, visit our best dentist in Daytona Beach, FL. We offer a wide range of treatments at our dentist’s office. We have trained professionals who can help you with emergency dental services round the clock.